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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fairfield Voters Tax Dollars Helping Harry Price's Pet Projects

While it is extremely hard to get the full facts on Harry Price from Fairfield City Hall, voters are hearing gossip that the Fairfield mayor is not really the "nice guy" he pretends to be.

Harry Price plays so many word games and tricks, it is nearly impossible to walk away with any solid information on the guy.  The concept of open government in Fairfield City Hall under Harry Price is the biggest dog and pony joke in Solano County.  www.DogPonyShow.Org

Price seems to go out of his way to help support his pet projects favoring political supporters.  People are too afraid to fully expose him, so Price stays in office year after year. 

It is sad that our US military works to defend democracy overseas, when democracy in Fairfield, California is considered the biggest joke among California state legislators.

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